ABTS-419: Hindsight Is 4/20

2 years ago
Doug Coleman

Hey, everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Almost Better Than Silence. I'm your host, Doug Coleman, and I'm here today with the other co host, Brennan McCullough. How's it going, Bren?

Brendan McCullough

It's going all right. I actually play things.

Doug Coleman

Oh, no way.

Brendan McCullough

Like multiple things. Not just like a binding of Isaac expansion. Like other things. It's weird.

Doug Coleman

When does this happen? No. And here I am. I am not in the same boat at all, guys. But anyway.

Brendan McCullough

At this point, is there.

Doug Coleman

Anything going on in our lives? Maybe before we dive into the games we've been playing, before anybody knew. This is a video game podcast. Hopefully new people aren't just now finding he picks.

Brendan McCullough

What hell of an upset the tune for the first time.

Doug Coleman

Damn it. Let me start with season two.

Brendan McCullough

Let me start at episode 438. Like one goddamnit jump in blindly and just hope for the best.

Doug Coleman

No, that's the thing. We're about to hit episode 420. It's monumental. Next episode. So that's why it's so special.

Brendan McCullough

Okay, I get it now.

Doug Coleman

Of course, hindsight it's 420.

Brendan McCullough

That is terrible. If your vision is 420, good God, get a dog, because you are feed every day.

Doug Coleman

All right. But no anything cool going on in life. I feel like my wife and I wanted to float down a river before summer ended. And no, it was raining instead. So not float down a river like in a tube. Go tube. I said that in a terrible way. I think I've brought it up in previous episodes on this podcast, but we like to go tubing down this brandy wine river. It's like something local to her area. So we were trying to get that in before the weather ended. In no luck this year, I believe.

Brendan McCullough

Every single time I went tubing, it rained. Like every single time we'd get to the end, for instance. No, you just float down a river in a tube. Kayaks canoes. Yeah, it's great. I remember once I went with your wife back when we were in high school because we were hung out all the time and I laid on my stomach on the tube and I got sunburned on the back of my knees.

Doug Coleman

Back of your knees?

Brendan McCullough

That sucks because your legs are moving constantly and never heals. Right.

Doug Coleman

Yeah, that sounds horrendous.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. But with the river with this one, there's like a dock at the end where you're supposed to get off with the company that you went tubing with. And every single time it'd be a beautiful day, you'd be set, you'd see the dock down further and say, all right, we're almost done. We'll hop out there immediate downpour. Every time it rains, I was like, what is happening? What can the hell is this river?

Doug Coleman

Yeah, so that's where we're at with that. We just got brand new tubes. We're not able to put them to use just yet, but we'll have them for next year but yeah, a little bummed about that. But again, I'm ready to embrace fall. Like, get rid of summer. Let's go. Give me the leaves changing color and everything.

Brendan McCullough

Well, Doug, you really are a fall guy.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

Play another game.

Doug Coleman

No. We can end the podcast. That was really good. All right. That's all I've been playing. God damn it's all. I guess we can talk about the games we've been playing. Brent, you have more to talk about than I do. Clearly.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. It's not a hard hurdle to get.

Doug Coleman

Yeah, true.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. So I started playing a Pokemon Nuzlock randomizer with friends of mine.

Doug Coleman

Was I the catalyst for this?

Brendan McCullough


Doug Coleman

Okay, fair enough.

Brendan McCullough

I just finally found a group of people who are willing to do it with because you can easily just play it by yourself with the system. I'm playing it on Wink. You can't trade or there's no WiFi settings. So I'm doing Pokemon Platinum, which was, like, on the DS.

Doug Coleman

Oh, nice.

Brendan McCullough

So there's no way you can trade or battle other people. They specifically turned off the WiFi settings due to legal reasons. I forget exactly what, but it was like a stipulation of like, nintendo is really going to come after your ass if you have the trading available for some reason or another. I don't know.

Doug Coleman

It's Nintendo.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, they just shut down another tournament because their shitty online software couldn't handle it, so they had to get support and they shut down the tournament again. They're the family business of nostalgia we all love. They're great. Anyway. Yeah. So one of my DND groups agreed to do the Nuzlock randomizer because it's pain. It's just pain. It's like it should be classified as self harm. And I needed to do it with other people because doing it by myself would just be dreadful, lonely, exhausting. So, frankly, doesn't know. A Nuzlock challenge is just kind of a self imposed challenge to make Pokemon harder for you because it's a kids game. If you play it as an adult, you figure out the strategy. You can beat it pretty easily. So it's a way to just make it harder for yourself.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

And the randomizer is a program I was able to get, and it's able to change a lot of different factors. This randomizer is actually really good. So you can change what Pokemon appear in the Wild, what Pokemon appear in Trainer battles, what Pokemon evolve into. It can change the evolutions, the innate abilities that all Pokemon have. You can change those because some are specific to a Pokemon, some jumble around between a few. This can randomize it to be anything. You can randomize the items that you'll find out in the overworld. You can randomize the abilities or the moves that Pokemon can learn. You can randomize the types. Pokemon are so, like, Pikachu famously electric type. You can randomize that and he'll be psychic. You can randomize everything.

Doug Coleman

That's so cool.

Brendan McCullough

And it's nuts to the point where I pull back on a lot of them because randomizing the types and the moves that they learn killed me instantly. Like every time, because I would start a battle, get my starter. It'd be a random, like, I don't know, like Tyrannitar, but it's all level five because it's a starter. Okay, but you can randomize the stats of them. So they can either keep their stats from the original game or you can randomize the stats completely. So even if you keep the original stats, like legendaries, even if they're level two, it's still going to be a tough fight because it's legendary stats. So a lot of the ingrained stuff can still really shake stuff up, even in randomizers. But yeah, so I randomized everything at first and I got like a Tyrannitar, which is like a pretty strong Pokemon at even level five. But it was randomized move, randomized moves and randomized types. So whatever Pokemon appeared, it didn't matter because it could be any type of Pokemon. The typing could be anything and the move set could be anything.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

So I ran into a Pipf, which is like a little penguin that has like, water moves. It had, I think, roar of Time, which is the move of the legendary Pokemon from diamond to pearl.

Doug Coleman

I was going to say, I've never even heard of this move.

Brendan McCullough

Holy. It does a massive damage and like a bunch of d buffs to you. And killed me instantly. I was like, well, that was my only Pokemon from a piss flop.

Doug Coleman

The dude, you wanted to catch that bastard.

Brendan McCullough

It killed me instantly. You can randomize to the point where it just breaks and you cannot play this game, which is what I did the first few times.

Doug Coleman

That still sounds fun.

Brendan McCullough

It's kind of fun seeing it for the first time, but you just have to accept, like, I'm not going to make any progress in this. Yeah, so it was fun for like the first few times I did it and then I scaled it back to just randomizing the evolutions and pretty much the Pokemon I see. So any Pokemon I see can just be randomized from the first five generations. So Pokemon red and blue to black and white, anything in between could appear. So for the current seed I have that I'm playing, the starter Pokemon had was a Be Doof, which is a notoriously shitty beaver that's useless. A bay Leaf, which is the final vault form of Chicarita from the second gen, or a spirit tomb, which is like a ghost Pokemon from, I think, the fourth gen.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

So I picked them. There was one where I got into a soft lock where the starters were like, Mr. Mime Bonslie and frost lass. Frost Lass is a ghost type, mr. Mime is psychic and Bonsli is like rock. Mr. Mime and Bondsley didn't have any actual attacks. They just had like stat boost moves. And then Bonsai had a move called Copycat, where it would just copy the moves of your enemy and then use it for themselves. But if your enemy doesn't have any attack moves, then it can't do anything.

Doug Coleman

Holy shit.

Brendan McCullough

Frost lass is ghost type, so normal physical moves don't work on her. So I kind of softlocked. No matter what Pokemon I picked, I couldn't fight my rival at the very beginning.

Doug Coleman

That is insane to me.

Brendan McCullough

And it wasn't like I couldn't beat him. Neither of us could damage each other. So it became like the Metapod. First metapod just hardening back at each other, and no one does anything. And I'm like, well, this one's fucked. I got to restart it.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

I've had to do it a few times. I progress a little bit. I always get to the first city and then die somehow. So with the Randomizer, it's a program that randomizes a bunch of shit. The nuzzlock, for anyone who doesn't know, is just an important set of rules. The rules are if any Pokemon faints, it's dead. You have to go to the Pokemon Center and release that Pokemon and never use it again. So you can't allow your Pokemon to just faint and battle. The other rule is, if you get to a new area, you have to capture the first Pokemon you see, no matter what it is.

Doug Coleman

That's right.

Brendan McCullough

Doubles. You can catch something else if it's a repeat of something you already have. Okay, but yeah, you walk in first Pokemon you see is a magic carp catch. It doesn't matter how shitty it is. That's the one you're catching. Those are the two basic rules for Nestlec. There's a lot of other ones you can add on if you want, but those are the two base rules everyone agrees on. And you have to nickname all your Pokemon so you get more attached to them, which is true. I hate how simple it is. I give it my own name, and now I'm more invested in this Pokemon, and I hate how it works.

Doug Coleman

Dude, it's so funny you say that, because I was in another streamers stream, and they were doing a Pokemon nuzlock, and they were asking the chat, like, I need a name for this Pokemon. And I was thinking of Mark and this podcast, and I was like, I threw out Zunker, and they went with it.

Brendan McCullough

I was like, but now you're invested in Sunkery 100%. I've seen a lot of streamers do it where they have bigger chats. They'll pull people's names from chat, so they'll just take a twitch user's name, and then if that Pokemon dies, that person gets banned for, like, a day or something.

Doug Coleman

Damn, that's funny.

Brendan McCullough

It gives, like, a cool investment. But yes, I did that. And like I said, I could not progress. I'd get into the first area of tall grass fight. I had, like, a cynic quill. I was like, oh, cool. It's an actual starter Pokemon. It's level five. I know. He's one of my favorite boys. I can do this. And the first Pokemon I fought was a Gerdon, which is a legendary Pokemon from Gen Three. And he had Mud Shot, which is super effective against fire types. I was like, he killed my boy, damn it. He killed my son. And just like, it kept happening where just like, I keep running into legendary after legendary after legendary in the beginning area. And like I said, the legendary still have their legendary stats. So they just would keep curbstopping me every time. So playing with some of my friends, all of them are on their first or second season still to getting used to the randomizer. And they're on their first run of this. I'm on my 9th. It took me nine runs just to get a viable one. I could progress beyond the first hitting.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

So it took me a hot minute, just restart to the ten minutes of unskippable tutorial, like, over and over and over again. So it takes a minute because it is just random chaos. But yeah, once I got into it, it was pretty fun. My big complaint is I'm catching all of the final evolutions, or Pokemon that can't evolve any further. So I have random evolutions on, which is half the fun. But none of my Pokemon can evolve. And anytime I caught a Pokemon that could evolve, it diagnosed immediately.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

One of them was, I found a fossil early on. Fossils you can revive and bring back a Pokemon, a prehistoric Pokemon, if you will.

Doug Coleman

Hell, yeah.

Brendan McCullough

So I was like, cool. I got a fossil, and you can revive them in the first city. Let's go went and revive the fossil. Fossil is Bee Doof, the dumbbeaver Pokemon everyone hates. It's like, wow. I fucking hate randomize it.

Doug Coleman

God damn it.

Brendan McCullough

Everything's randomized. The Pokemon you trade in game randomized. So one lady is like, if you give me a Machop, I'll give you an Abra. That's not you give her a Machop, she'll give you whatever.

Doug Coleman

Because it's I see. Goddamn, that's crazy.

Brendan McCullough

Every element's randomized. And so I got a B two from the fossils. Like, fuck, I goddamn it. Be Doo sucks. Well, luckily, he's level 20, so when he gets one more level, he'll evolve instantly. He evolved, turns into Skunk Tech, which is just a big smelly. Skunk also sucks but can't evolve any further. So I'm stuck with that. And I was like, in the computer, he goes, because I'm never fucking using that one.

Doug Coleman

That's amazing.

Brendan McCullough

And just so many of them are just like, it can't evolve further or just straight garbage. I was like, this sucks. But it's the only seed that's been viable for me. So I'm like, I got to run with this. At one point, I had four Pokemon. I was doing pretty good. I was pretty proud of myself. Good type diversity. Good levels all around. Ran into a random trainer. All right, we'll see how this goes. We'll fight. It was a guard shop, which is a ground dragon type. It looks like a giant land shark. And it had dragon rage, which is a very powerful move, which is notoriously for fucking up nuzlock runs. It is like the nemesis of nuzlock runs because of how infamous it is for just killing everything with dragon rage.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

And sure enough, it wiped half of my team. I was like, well, there they go, they're gone. So it's brutal.

Doug Coleman

Sounds it.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. One area I just got to was like a cave area I went through, full of legendaries. I got scared, I kept running, got outside the cave, full of legendaries. Outside of the cave. I got scared, I kept running. Had to fight some trainers to get past that area. Those trainers also had legend. This legendary ad was just legendary stacked. And like I said, legendary. They're still strong as shit. So any one of them could just one shot my guys for just a weird type advantage thing. So I am just terrified at any moment. So it's fun. It is as fun as I'd expected to be, and I'm enjoying it, but it is terrifying. Even if I'm playing game, if I'm not talking to anyone or if I'm not streaming it or anything, I'm not a motive by myself, because why would I be up just by myself? Sure, but this is the most I've just screamed to myself in my apartment.

Doug Coleman

Just like, yeah, I can totally picture.

Brendan McCullough

That because you're doing great. What was it? I think my Trico, who is a grass darker from Gen Three, was fighting an imperium, I think, which is the pipelup, the penguin final form. Anyway, TREECO was grass. Imperium is water. So I have the type advantage. My Trico is at full health. Imperium did metal claw. It's got the type advantage. It shouldn't do as much. It didn't even crit. It just did so much damage, it killed my TREECO outright.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

What do I do against it? There's no way I could have planned for it to have done that much damage because stat wise, level wise typewise, it shouldn't have killed him and killed him outright. Fuck. That was one of my good ones. I got to go find a new one. But you can only catch them in new areas, so you have to keep progressing the game in order to find new ones.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

One point I forgot one of the routes I was on. So I went back to that route and I was like, oh, I can catch one here. I forgot about it back when I was here. So let me try and catch something here. I was so high level, it was hard to catch anything without just killing it outright.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

Because I forgot. And the first one that appeared was Archeus. You know, the god Pokemon?

Doug Coleman

Oh, my God, I sure would like that.

Brendan McCullough

But he's level five, and the lowest level I have is 23. So here we go.

Doug Coleman

Yeah. Did you just start throwing Pokey balls at him without damaging yeah, that's exactly what I did.

Brendan McCullough

And I burned through all of my Pokeballs, the specialty balls I had, and then I finally started doing damage. The only move I had that could do damage to him without killing him outright was Smog, which chunked away at his health. The downside is Smog has a notoriously high poison rate. So eventually he got poisoned, and eventually I'm fighting against the clock between if he dies a poison or if I catch him.

Doug Coleman

Holy shit. No. And you think the poison, like, getting him closer down on his health. You'd get a better chance at him or, like, one of the specialty balls coming in handy. You'd be like, how about love ball or something?

Brendan McCullough

I had ultra balls. I had great balls. I had Nest balls, which are better for weaker Pokemon in the wild. I had a bunch of them. The poison did help raise my chances of catching it, but it's still a legendary, so the catch rate of a legendary for a Pokeball is still insanely high.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

It's real rough, and it's like, fuck right now. And I also have an egg, which for Pokemon, if you can't get an egg, if you just walk around with it enough, it eventually hatches. I think the randomizer broke it because it's supposed to hatch after, like, 10,000 steps, and I'm at, like, 50,000 steps.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

So I think the egg might be broken, so I'm just like I don't know what's happening. But yeah, I just got, like, a weird team. I got a hippmo top, which I never would have picked if I had a choice because he sucks.

Doug Coleman

That's hilarious.

Brendan McCullough

I got, like, a war turtle. I got, like, a torqual, which is just like, a fire turtle and stuff, and just like, a Giraffe rig, which is I love giraffe rig, but it only exists in Gent Two because everyone hated it. So it's just like, I just got this weird team that I would never have chosen myself. But that's the fun of the randomizer, and that's the fun of the nose lock. So if you want to get into Pokemon, if you kind of miss those days, but it's too easy, it's too boring for you, try and do a nose lock. Try and get a randomizer look into how to do it. It's very simple. You can easily install it on the computer, and it's very fun.

Doug Coleman

And you said you have friends that are doing it along with you. Have any of them reported? Anything particularly interesting?

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, one of my friends is just doing great. He caught everything he ever encountered. Meanwhile, I killed almost everything I encountered. He's got a bunch of babies that can evolve so they can turn into other things and are stronger. I got all the last gen, so I can't evolve anything. So one guy's doing great. He's he's on cloud nine.

Doug Coleman

That's hilarious.

Brendan McCullough

One guy one person playing did randomized moves and randomized typing, which I advised him not to do, but he just went to see and his whole team got wiped by a blastoise because it didn't have water typing and it had just crazy moves and just took them all out.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

And then one friend has a Y knot, which is the pre evolution form of WOBB of it, both of which are one trick ponies. They both have a thing called Miracote, which just reflects the attack back at the attacker. And that's it. That's pretty much all these Pokemon do. But she also did randomized moves, so the Y nut doesn't have mirror coat, which means it's pretty much useless. The one thing it's good for, it.

Doug Coleman

Doesn'T have oh, damn.

Brendan McCullough

So she's got other stuff, but she's like, this is the only one that's high level and it sucks, and I have to use it on my team. And it's like it's funny seeing us all suffer. Like, that's the joy of it. We're all at different stages of like, oh, shit. All right, here we go. And like, the one guys were restarting from the beginning now because this whole team got wiped. So it's fun to do with other people. If you're looking to do it, I definitely recommend getting someone else to do it with. And it makes it more enjoyable because one person's like, yeah, I went to Gym Two, and they all had flying types, and I have a bunch of electric types, so it was an easy battle for me. I was like, okay, cool, let me see what mine is. And my gym. Two was a struggle. All of my Pokemon were like, ten health or less when I finished that battle.

Doug Coleman

Damn. Close call. Yeah, that was close.

Brendan McCullough

But it's funny to see one of the streamers. I watched that. I watched him do a nose lock run with a bunch of people, and it kind of inspired me to do it my own. All of his Pokemon, they got to the Elite Four with all the streamers that were playing, and the streamer in particular. His first matchup against the Elite Four trainer had three legendary Pokemon. One of them was the legendary Pokemon from Pokemon Y. I forget that name, but its ability was Arena Trap, which makes it so you can't swap out Pokemon. So if one of your Pokemon gets low enough health, you can't swap it out. It has to stay in there. And it just killed every single Pokemon this guy had, except for his Toga Kiss.

Doug Coleman

Yeah, I hate that move. Holy hell.

Brendan McCullough

So then he had to fight with his Toga Kiss for all the Elite Four and the champion at the end of it. And he did it.

Doug Coleman

That is amazing. I was going to say, did he pull it off?

Brendan McCullough

All these yeah. Toga Kiss is one of the highest or one of the most balanced, or I forget it's. One of the high strap Pokemon in the competitive Pokemon meta. So if there was one Pokemon that bet everything on, it was Tokyoku and he did it and it was just like, fuck. Like how? But everyone else is dead on his team.

Doug Coleman

That's amazing.

Brendan McCullough

It makes incredible moments like that and it's so cool.

Doug Coleman

Hell yeah.

Brendan McCullough

But like I said, you need a support group with that. You need other people to spread the pain out with because otherwise you're just going to be hating yourself and you'll just give up real early because it's painful.

Doug Coleman

Makes sense. No, that sounds like a lot of fun, though.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. Besides that, I've also played Ghost Trick, which was a DS game from back in the day. I've heard a lot of good stuff about it. I've only heard good reviews, so I'm like, hey, I can play DS games now. Let me try that one out. It's by capcom. It's very Phoenix, right? Feeling both in style and gameplay. Basic premise is you're dead and a ghost, but you got to help out this lady that you died in a jail guard and another lady and a lady was with you who also dies right after you, and you have to go and try and help her. Ghosts are able to relive the last 4 seconds of someone's life or four minutes of someone's life. So the whole game is basically finding someone who dies, rewinding their life four minutes and trying to prevent them from dying by doing these Rube Goldberg machines of like I poked the headphones off the coat hook so they fell into the fish tank and broke so the girl couldn't wear headphones, so that way she could hear the hitman, enter her apartment and take cover in time. So it's all these weird like you got to step ABCD to get to point Z and save someone's life. So I'm only two chapters into that, but it's pretty fun. One complaint I have is anytime there's dialogue prompts, like when you do something or notice something, they give you like a little talk bubble. And when you click on it, they start talking to tell you. Like they give you a hint of like, you might want to knock the headphones into the fish tank. Wink like hints. Those dialogue conversations can be pretty long and you can't speed through them. So anytime you click on one by accident, it's like, oh shit, I didn't mean to do that. It's like, all right, lock yourself in for two minutes of talking. So it's like, that kind of gets annoying. Yeah, but yeah, it's a really charming game. The animation I don't want to say high res pixel because that doesn't make sense, but it's like highly detailed pixel and the movement in it of the characters is gorgeous, especially for the time.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

Wow, this looks great. Like, this is really impressive. And yeah, you're just trying to find out why you were killed because you have amnesia, as it goes. So you're trying to find out why you were killed, how you could prevent other people from dying. And they say you'll disappear in the morning, so you have one night to do this all. So, yeah, it's just puzzle game of figuring out how to get to this point, to this point, to this point to get this person safe. If you don't do it in time, you can reset the puzzle or you can reset the puzzle to a different checkpoint within the puzzle. So it's very helpful with that.

Doug Coleman

Damn. Yeah, this is super unique and interesting. Definitely one that I missed back when it was coming out because I had a DS for a little while there. But yeah, this one's not ringing a bell. But yeah, I'm looking at the Wikipedia right now and it even says Ghost Trick received significant praise for its buttery smooth animation. And it's not getting the pixelated. Graphics are just high, not high resolution like you said, but very detailed. And yeah, the way it flows is just very smooth. So they put a lot of love into that pixel art.

Brendan McCullough

It really looks like rotoscope, where rotoscope is when you take live action footage and then just draw over top of it. So all of the old Disney stuff is rotoscope. Like Sleeping Beauty, Snow White. That's how they get it to looks as smooth and streamlined and stuff and makes it feel realistic by the movement because they actually just essentially traced a live action, like an actor doing all those stuff. It feels like Photoscope, but just with a pixel filter on it because the motion and animation is so smooth and just well done. It's very impressive.

Doug Coleman

Yeah, definitely.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, so I haven't thought of that. That's a good game. It kind of gets a little annoying of like, I don't know what I'm doing and these hints aren't helping and I'm just kind of stuck here. So the hint system could be a little bit better, but I might just be dumb. So we'll see how far I go before I look up a guide of like, fuck it, I can't figure this out. But I'm enjoying my time with that. The other game I'm playing is a game we talked about, talked up briefly. I think it was two episodes ago, road 96.

Doug Coleman

Oh, that's right.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, I beat it.

Doug Coleman

Oh, nice.

Brendan McCullough

I just buckled in the other night and just played through as many episodes of it as I needed to and then until I got the finished story and beat it completely. Let me see. I wrote down so I wouldn't forget my exact review of it at the end. Route 96 for when you want a hollowed out, watered down, telltale political. Game with no punch that ends with a serial killer getting off scot free and retiring on a beach.

Doug Coleman

God damn it. No, it's not what I wanted to hear because I didn't like, I should give this game a try. I like me some telltale. I like me some. Life is strange. Let me see what this is all about. But wow. So disappointing.

Brendan McCullough

A little bit. Yeah. So the life is strange element pretty much is just one character called Zoe, which is very much like, she's the cool team, you know, punk rock girl of your dream, of your high school dreams.

Doug Coleman

Zoe is kind of, like, close.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, it's very much just that character. It's like the manic, pixie dream girl, but like, punk rock style of like the wanderer on the road. You meet her at different times with different teens and stuff.

Doug Coleman

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Brendan McCullough

So she's definitely, like, the main character that you're helping and stuff, and she's like the narrator for a lot of it. Okay, so the basic premise of the game is you're a bunch of teens. You play as multiple different kids. It's kind of a rogue like telltale where you play as one team. You're just amorphic. You never see yourself. You never get a description. You don't matter. The character you're playing does not matter.

Doug Coleman

You're just witnessing.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. You're just a device for the rest of the characters to progress. Okay, so you come across, like, seven characters as every episode, as every team, and you're just getting a bit more of their story every time you encounter them. And as a team, you're just helping progress that. So it's broken up different segments of interactions with these characters. Once you finish one area, you move on to the next. You encounter a new character once you finish their beat of the story, you go to the next and so on and so forth. All the teens in this game are trying to escape a dictatorship country that's about to have another election, and so they're trying to get out of this country to try and get a better life for themselves. And as they do, they're traveling on Road 96, and there's a notorious, you know, checkpoint there that's very hard to get past, and all the teams that get captured get sent to the Iron pits. Wake just basically a work camp or term camp. Yeah. It's very much targeted at teenagers. I don't know why you see some other people that are trying to escape, like a guy's escaping with his family, but it's very much like all of the teens are being arrested and sent to the word camps, only teens are escaping. I'm sure that's probably what your demographic is, so that's what you're making the main characters of it. But it's weird that it feels like this dictator of a country is specifically targeting teenagers. That just feels weird. So when you're playing the game, you see different posters for the dictator and for the other person that's running for the election, you can vandalize them and that will change the numbers. At the beginning of every episode, you see like a news broadcasting, like, oh, the local president has doing well in the polls. Here are the numbers. And I found out much later in the game that vandalizing the posters changes those numbers because when you vandalize them, it says like, that will have an impact in the game. And I was like, oh, like, telltale I thought maybe the cops would catch me or it would raise my notoriety if I do that enough. So I didn't do it a lot, but then I started doing it with one character just to see what happens. And I saw the poll numbers change drastically. I was like, oh, you're supposed to do that. But the way they tell you the beginning makes it foreboding and kind of scares you to not do it right.

Doug Coleman

That makes sense to me.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. So I was kind of like, oh, I should have been doing this the whole time. But it's basically just managing your money, your health, and the safest way you can travel. Depending on the scenario you encounter in the episode or in the segment, you have different outcomes, but you most likely are given the options of just walking along the road, hit Shiking, calling a taxicab, calling a bus, or stealing a car if you can. And they all have different benefits. It's definitely one of those, like tail, tail, but less so. It's definitely one of those games with the illusion of choice because it's like, oh, well, why would I walk along the road and lose three health when I could hitchhike and lose two health and get a lot further?

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

So I always went with hitchhiking because that seems like the better option. But I don't know if that enables me to encounter certain characters more or less frequently, if it matters which way I was going to exit the area or if I was pretty much set on this path of like, you're going to encounter this truck driver. No matter how you go about it, it's very much like I feel like you can pull away the curtain and see the coding behind it. It's like, no, you only have two choices and if you don't go with the first choice, you're going to get that choice in the next scenario anyway. So I feel like your choices really don't matter as much as they make it out to seem. But yeah, the characters you meet are like Zoe, the runaway, a truck driver who is part of the rebel gang. That's like opposing the dictator, this kid genius who is helping the rebel gang while looking for his birth parents, the kid's adoptive mother who's also a cop and in love with the truck driver in the rebel gang. Two just criminals, like two bank robbers who wear ski masks all the time who are just fucking idiots and clearly supposed to be, like, the comic relief, like, over the top exaggerated idiots, but they just get really annoying really fast.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

The news anchor who's kind of like the spokesperson for the dictator, her news program is pretty much propaganda, and she's the spokesperson, and she's just an obnoxious drunk party girl all the time. And then at the very end, they try to make you very sympathetic. Like, she has a heart. It's like she was willing to kill, like, seven other people, but now you're trying to make her sympathetic because one person died in front of her ten years ago. Like, no, I don't care about these characters. And then one character you meet repeatedly is the taxi driver serial killer who gets away scot free, at least in my play through.

Doug Coleman

One question. At least in your play through. Was it like a heavy rain situation where the serial killer got away scot free in my play through? Or did you just play the game incorrectly, or is there a different outcomes? Do you know? Offhand?

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. For anyone who cares about spoilers, skip ahead, like, ten minutes, because I'm going to just go in detail about my playthrough. Sure, the playthroughs are different. Every team you play as is a different scenario, and it's your choices you make to change stuff, but I'm not sure how much. So I'm sure the endings can be different, especially for the endings for each individual character you meet. But, yeah, my play through the ending was the serial killer is on a beach in a Hawaiian church drinking out of a coconut, and it's like he got off scot free. You're not trying to stop the serial killer. It's not like the heavy rain with that regard. This is just like, you're traveling, and you keep bumping into this dude, and he is just objectively a serial killer. You find out his daughter was part of this rebel faction, and she died. She was the girl that died that the news reporter couldn't save. They're all tied together like Pulp Fiction. Impressive storytelling. So his daughter died back in this rebel group. He hates the rebel group, and he hates the news anchor for not saving her. So he's trying to kill both of them. And when you hear that, you're kind of like, oh, you're sympathetic to it because clearly you shouldn't be murdering people if someone you love died. That's not the answer, obviously, but you see, he's got a sympathetic story, an Orchard Point. He pins it on the news anchor who has nothing to do with it. So clearly he's wrong in that regard. But then you see him just every time you encounter him. Every time I encountered him, he killed someone else. So, like, I ran into him at a hotel in one of my playthroughs as the teens. And you sleep in the hotel. I'm sure you could go up and knock on his door and talk to him beforehand, but I knew he was in there, so I didn't do it. So I go to hotel manager. I get a room for the night. I sleep in my room. I wake up, I'm in the serial killer's room. He kidnapped me out of my room and put me in his room.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

So clearly me trying to avoid him didn't change anything because I had to engage with him. I had no choice in that.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

Because I purposely tried not to engage with him, and the game forced me to do it by throwing me in his bedroom. So when I woke up, he's like, hey, I need your help on something. It's like, I don't know who you are. We've never talked as this character before.

Doug Coleman

Yeah, that's bizarre, because it kind of.

Brendan McCullough

Has this meta knowledge of, like, you know, who all these characters are, but the teenager you're playing as doesn't. But then all the characters I talk to act as if I'm the same character, or they're all just so friendly, they're willing to just vomit up their personal life stories to anyone that talks to them at any moment. So, yeah, I woke up at the street killer bedroom. He says, I need your help. The hotel manager comes by. He goes, Hide in the closet. So I do. You hide in the closet, you find the body of a cop. He killed a cop for some reason, and he goes, Cool. Put the cop's body in the tub. I'm going to try and dissolve it. And while he's doing that, the hotel manager comes back and talks to you. You have to try and talk the hotel manager away so the serial killer doesn't kill you and him.

Doug Coleman

Jesus Christ.

Brendan McCullough

Okay, I do that. I get the manager to walk away. We dissolve the cop's body. The serial killer lets me go. I walk out of the hotel room. I run to the manager of the hotel. I go, hey, this guy's a serial killer. The serial killer is behind me and shoots the hotel manager. He goes, look what you did. He's dead because of you.

Doug Coleman

Dude, this is a nightmare. I feel like if this was happening in real life, this is exactly how it would go down for you, too.

Brendan McCullough

They try to make him a sympathetic character of, like, his daughter died. So he hates the rebel.

Doug Coleman

No, he's just killing everybody.

Brendan McCullough

He's killing just recklessly, just whoever he wants. The first teenager I played as he picked me up, I ordered a taxi. He picked me up as a taxi driver. We were driving along. We hear some screaming from the trunk of his car.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

At some point, he pulls over the backseat of the car, how it can pop down sometimes he can get into the trunk. Yeah, that pops open, and the dude's head pops out saying, Help me, help me. He's going to kill me. So the guy pulls over, goes into the trunk, pulls him back into the trunk, proceeds to beat him to death. As I escape out of the taxi, I don't know who that guy was. So by painting him in the sympathetic picture of his daughter died, he's been torn up ever since. He wants revenge for the people that took her life away from. He's just killing indiscriminately. So I don't give a shit about that. He's insane. And the fact that one of the scenarios is the dude just ends with getting revenge on the rebel group. You see him killing one of the rebel leaders, and then you see him just on a beach drinking like, my tie in retirement. That fucking sucks.

Doug Coleman

Yeah. I was going to say, how many deaths are on his hand? And all half the shit's word didn't even have anything to do with his daughter's death. So it sounds like a real piece of shit. Wow, what a game.

Brendan McCullough

And it's tough because every segment you play with, every encounter you play with, with the people, there's like a minigame. So there's like a driving minigame. There's a lot of air hockey. And air hockey is very basic. Like, you see the enemy's air hockey paddle doesn't move a ton. So it's very easy to win at air hockey.

Doug Coleman

That's a bummer. I was hoping it would be semi challenging.

Brendan McCullough

Not at all. Not even remotely. There's like a little moment where you're playing, like, the trombone with Zoe and you have to match the bars, like kind of Guitar Hero style. So each thing has its own little minigame, which is neat, but because they try and spread out the minigames from so much, they kind of wear thin pretty quickly. None of the minigames are very indepth in any regard. Graphic wise, not great. They're all kind of weird mannequins. Like I said, it's like a ratcheting client PS. One game with how they're moving and stuff, art style, it's okay. But like I said, the graphics are kind of hindering it, so it's definitely got a stylistic approach. Like life is Strange where it's kind of associated, but it's not great story wise, it's kind of weird. You're not important. The character you play as does not matter. It's all about these side characters are meeting on the run. In each segment, Zoe helps her cross the border as one teenager. And as we're running through the border, she falls down. So it says, keep running or go back and help Zoe. I was like, Well, Zoe is the main character. It's like, go back and help Zoe help her up. As I'm helping her up, she's climbing over the fence, and then I get shot in the back and die. I see Zoe look back on top of the fence and then turn back around and keep running. I was like, well, fuck me. Like, I helped her. She keeps running. So you're disposable you do not matter in this game. It's all about these side characters and telling their stories, which is definitely an interesting idea, but it makes me it kind of makes me resent them because I'm willing to die for them. And I get fuck all for it because I just let four kids get arrested, three other kids escape to freedom, and then one kid fucking died. So I'm like, well, I feel like I'm getting the short end of the stick a bit.

Doug Coleman

Yeah, a little bit. Yeah. That's really interesting that you're not maybe playing as Chloe in certain situations and stuff.

Brendan McCullough


Doug Coleman

Zoe goddamnit.

Brendan McCullough

You know, but she very much is chloe very much who they copy. So, like, some of the stories aren't string. Like the genius kid, the trucker guy and the cop. They kind of have an interesting dynamic and they're neat, but everyone else fucking sucks and it's hard to get invested. It's hard for me to say this game is good because of the story. This game is good because of the gameplay. This game is good because of the graphics. This game is good because of the soundtrack. The soundtrack is very clearly a big selling point. They got, like, the Toxic Avenger on there and stuff. And they can sell the soundtrack by itself, so they're really pushing that. The problem is you can only play the soundtrack at certain parts where you have like a jukebox or a walkman or something. So you need a device to play the music. It's not just whenever.

Doug Coleman

Oh, weird.

Brendan McCullough

And then a lot of the time the music gets cut off by dialogue or by the story progressing or something. So I'll put the music in, I'll start playing it, and then Zoe starts talking to me and the music gets cut off because the story is progressing. So I never really listened to any of the songs a lot because something was always cutting them off or I couldn't.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

So it's clear that the soundtrack is a big part of this game, but they don't showcase it a ton. There's probably only one or two songs I've heard fully during the game. During the whole game I played that's.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

Yeah. So everything about this is kind of rough, and it's clearly done by an indie studio. And I don't want to shit on indie studios because they got enough stuff that's hard as it is. But then you see a game like Hollow Knight, which was effectively made by three dudes and a couple of freelancers they got help from, and it was like, that game is fucking incredible.

Doug Coleman

Yeah, the dudes there are definite prodigies. But, yeah, I get what you're getting at. It feels like this was more or less like an experimental trying something new. And there's a few things maybe they can take away from this game to polish. And there's lots of polish. Yeah. But that being said, I do appreciate them trying something new. The story sounds a little rough, too. I agree with the whole dictator being like, these goddamn kids. We got to round them up. It's like, why? There's some weird shit going on there.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, that's another thing also, with assets and the characters, a lot of the characters get reused. A lot of the models like, oh, there's, like, five women's haircuts, there's five men haircuts, and there's, like, three models for each of them. And it's just swapping around, like, the outfits and stuff. That's clear. I saw more people complaining about that. I don't think that's as bad as an issue. But for instance, on the news show, when the anchor woman is interviewing cops about stuff that happened, like, hey, one of the kids died at the gate. Like, what do you say about that, Officer So and so? Every cop is identical. Every cop she interviews is the exact same model.

Doug Coleman

Oh, wow.

Brendan McCullough

You could have just taken the mustache off that guy or redeyed his hair or taking the sunglasses off him and tried to change him is the exact same model.

Doug Coleman

So when she's like, didn't I dissolve you earlier?

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. It's not even the same copy you like, see on the road. The cops you see on the road are different. The what she interviews, though, it's just the same when she interviews. And so it's weird when she it's a different name every time she interviews them, but it's the exact same one.

Doug Coleman

They just copy and pasted models.

Brendan McCullough

I think they just put one cop model on that set, and they just never changed it. And it's like, if if that cop appears multiple times in a playthrough, it's going to be really weird and jarring. But yeah. So with the story, games can 100% be political. Anyone that says they can't be as a fucking idiot and denouncing, that the art form that is video games. If you want to make a statement, if you want to do something, they're it isn't innately political, but it's the mess that politics has invaded our lives and so much LGBTQ A plus. People are not political, but politics got involved with them. Having a gay character does not make your game political. Gay people exist in the world. So I just hate sorry, that's a little ramp because I know honestly, that's.

Doug Coleman

Fair by me, dude. It makes sense.

Brendan McCullough

They're putting politics in my game. Every game is inherently political. Like, any bag could be political. Yeah, life is strange too.

Doug Coleman

I complained about that in the past, and it was like it just annoyed me. But it's just like it is what it is.

Brendan McCullough

Well, no, you have a point, though. Like, life is strange too. Very political, very heavy handed political. That wasn't done. Well, being political isn't innately bad. It's how it's done and how it's handled. But it definitely makes it more of a hot button, like, delicate situation. This game is very political because you are trying to escape a country. You're a refugee trying to get out of a potential dictatorship.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

And pretty much all of your options are for any encounter are vote to change stuff, rebel against the broken system, or I'm just trying to get out of here. I don't give a shit about this country anymore. And depending on how you interact with people is how they'll view you and how it changes the polls and stuff, but they basically just say, this guy's a dictator. He's bad. It's like okay. Why dictator?

Doug Coleman

They don't really want to flesh out the lore of the world. They're just like, don't ask questions. This is what we're dealing with from.

Brendan McCullough

What I could tell from this country. Is there's a desert? There's some mountains. The guy is trying to get a lot of oil out of the country. Zoe's father is the minister of oil, who's a high ranking official in the government, and he's a dictator, and that's it. So I'm just like they're like, you want to vote for this lady because she's hoped for the change. I was like, what does that lady do? What if she's a racist? I don't know her. So it's weird to be like, you want this lady to be your new president? I literally know nothing about her. They tell you nothing about her other than dictator bad, other option good. What if she's a worst dictator? I don't know. So I say it's like a hollowed water down game, because it's clearly a very political motivated setting, but they don't get into any of the politics of it.

Doug Coleman

So it's just really hollow. No, that's the word that came to my mind as well.

Brendan McCullough

Dictator, bad, teens, good. Vote for change. That means nothing. You're giving me nothing to work with here. Yeah, so it's kind of rough. Like, I could definitely sympathize with the idea that they're trying to tell, but by giving it no substance, they're definitely pulling it safe by we're not trying to offend anyone by alluding that. This guy might be someone else, or it might be some other country, or it might be a reference to something that's currently happening in our political climate. But by also doing that, it has no teeth. It has no bearing or weight to it. So it feels kind of weird, and it feels like just a very high level play test demo that they're going to add the actual story in later, because there's nothing here.

Doug Coleman

Right. I totally get that. Seems like a swing and a miss as far as that aspect of the game. At the very least, seems like a.

Brendan McCullough

Swing and a miss with every aspect. Like I said, I don't want to just shit on it, but I am having a tough time finding anything to praise about it.

Doug Coleman

That's fair.

Brendan McCullough

All of it was. You made an attempt. You tried. Like I said, I'd like to see this company get more money and more funding and more people behind it and see what they can do. Because it's very much taking, like, the Telltale style of gameplay and running with it after Telltale fell through. So that could definitely be an interesting way of doing it. And the Minigames for each segment was a neat idea, but they weren't executed greatly.

Doug Coleman

Yeah. How do you fuck up air hockey?

Brendan McCullough

The computer like air hockey. Paddle just never moved much. It moved at this set speed, so if you just led it over to the left side of the air hockey table and then ricocheted the shot to the right side, it would never speed up to catch it. So you just have to get it to one side and then shoot on the opposite side of the board. It wasn't challenging as long as it never got so sped up. You can never keep up with it yourself. The PC could never keep up with it at all.

Doug Coleman

I see.

Brendan McCullough

And then the arcade game they have in there, which is in a few segments, is Pong, which is also just air hockey. So it's like the two Minigames you have are the same thing?

Doug Coleman

Yeah. That's lazy.

Brendan McCullough

So it's like, what? Like you just built this program to bounce, to recreate Pong and you just put it in a different skin in the game twice? Yeah, the ideas are there, but like I said, the soundtrack, the graphics, the gameplay, the story, there's nothing I can really praise. You can get the demo if it does sound interesting. If you want to check it out, try the demo out. That'll be more than enough time to get a feel for it or watch let's play of it. Like I said, it's different every time you play it, apparently. Supposedly. So you could just watch, like, one episode of, like one teens journey, or just one segment of that journey, and you'll get an idea of what this game is like. So definitely check it out before buying it, right? Yeah, I don't know. There's like, nothing here. There's a meat here.

Doug Coleman

Bummer. Well, at least we know this now because I remember when he first even pitched it, I was like, this sounds up my alley. But no, I think I'm going to steer clear or at least watch a let's play like you suggested.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, definitely check out before buying it. It's only $20, so it's not a ton. It is an indie studio, which is good to support, but there's a lot that needs polishing.

Doug Coleman

Makes sense. All those complaints seemed pretty valid to me, but I guess is that it? For what you've been playing lately, you've been playing a lot. Damn.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, that's all I've been playing.

Doug Coleman

All right. So that being said, I actually too have been playing something new. I did play some more of that Mario golf super rush. Me and my wife were playing some of that multiplayer. That was a lot of fun. She kicked my ass. I was like, God damn it, I'm trying to be good at this. The controls are really precise and interesting. I like how you can get very accurate with your shots. So far we've only really been messing around with the standard golf stuff. So I think in one of the tutorial areas, like you have to progress through, you get a taste of the speed golf and the other different types of things, but currently just unlocking different maps and stuff and doing the regular golf. But in the future I do intend on doing more like battle golf and the other modes I haven't really dipped into. But yeah, this game is so fucking fun. One thing that we did do, you can either play as your Me characters or as a cast of Mario characters. And I think for each different Mario character there's like different special shots you can do and we're still trying to determine which ones do what. But I was playing as Luigi and his is pretty cool because when the ball hits the ground, it kind of like sticks to the ground and stays glued and it's like an explosion where everything around the ball becomes like this icy patch. And I'm like, wow, interesting. It's very handy, especially if you know you're going to be trying to land on the green and don't want to roll the ball any further. It's just like you land like right near the hole or something. Exactly. So I really like his special ability and now that I know this, it encourages me to try the different players to see what their abilities are. But yeah, my wife likes to play as Boo the Ghost and I was playing Luigi. So interested to see what the other cool special moves are and stuff. But yeah, we were playing against some CPU players and it was a lot of fun. So really excited to play more of that game. Probably do that a lot more on stream. And speaking of the stream, I've been doing a lot more fall guys. And man, we had a crazy Saturday stream where we just couldn't stop winning. I had a few viewers in Chat playing along with me and then eventually one of them stuck around for almost the entire stream and me and him did duo's. Their names are Pencify shout out to a pencil. We were going together in duos and I swear we had, I want to say five or six actually. It had to be six in a row of wins. And it was like I was like blown away. I'm thinking to myself, when does this ever fucking happen? So yeah, me and Opeensify made an amazing duo's team. And that wasn't even all just duos. I think before the duos began, opensify won two of the no team game shows before we even started duo. So that's how they started their streak. But we had a hell. Of a streak at one point, and then even after the streak ended, we won a few more. So I was having a really good Saturday and fall, guys. So, yeah, definitely check out the clips from that that night. It was a lot of fun, but yeah, still loving that game to death. I've been hearing there's rumors of like a Season 5.1 update. I'm like, 5.1. I don't know about this. It could just be a rumor, but we'll see what's happening. But yeah, that game continues to impress me. I'm only less than 20 crowns away from my next crown rank, and that's when I get my golden witch bottoms. And to the people that sweat in this game, there's golden outfits. You can unlock it's, bottoms and tops. And the very first one that you can get that is golden is the golden witch bottoms. And I'm finally going to be a part of that crew of sweat lords that finally has a golden anything. But there was also that limited time event where I got the golden hot dog, but I feel like that doesn't count. But yeah. Golden witch bottoms. Incoming. Very excited about that.

Brendan McCullough

Golden witch bottoms was my nickname in high school.

Doug Coleman

God damn it. No. We all knew this was coming, but yeah, that's all I've done.

Brendan McCullough

I was a really good song.

Doug Coleman

I know. Everyone knew this. Anything in the show topic? No.

Brendan McCullough

It's funny. Or if I explained the show top.

Doug Coleman

I know. Yes. For anybody that isn't getting it.

Brendan McCullough

Good stuff.

Doug Coleman

Arby's has Dungeons and Dragons dice. That's about it. And instead of a one or a 20, it's just the Arby's logo. And I think that was pretty awesome. Basta inputted is rolling. A one or a 20 considered beefing it, and it's like technically both. Yeah, the beefing it could be good or bad.

Brendan McCullough

I get it. RV's got a lot of attention for doing the papercraft stuff where it's like all nerdy of like look at your favorite anime characters, cardboard cutouts of RVs, like boxes and bags. So they got a lot of attention from the nerd communities and stuff like this. Yeah, I'm not surprised they're doing it. It just feels gross.

Doug Coleman

I just want to know if I can get it in like a drive through or do I have to order it on their line, on their menu, or on their website?

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, if it's just like because the link they have in the Tweets, there's clothes and accessories and other clothes.

Doug Coleman

No, I don't need any of that. I just want the dice. I literally want to order some sliders and be like and hand me a baggie of dice as I'm going to.

Brendan McCullough

You don't want a big plush of Arby's curly fries?

Doug Coleman

Jesus, why would no, yeah, exactly. Of course they sell those. But no, that is just goofy. And yeah, I just imagine somebody crit failing and being like, oh, they beefed it.

Brendan McCullough

God damn it. All right. So here we go. Dndyce, sold out. Dad hat, sold out. Curly fried golf head, sold out. RB's golf towel, sold out.

Doug Coleman

Damn it, I hate people. Yeah, that's the world we live in.

Brendan McCullough

I got like four sets of dice. I don't need this. I don't need this in my life.

Doug Coleman

This is the only show topic I had. So that's what I'm bringing to the table tonight.

Brendan McCullough

I got a few. We can blow through them pretty quick. Okay. More drama with Blizzard. Let's see what's going on with these ghosts.

Doug Coleman

How can they fuck up more?

Brendan McCullough

Here we go. Doug, if you want to ask, here we go. Because they'll always fuck up more. And overwatch there's a character named Jesse McCree. He's the cowboy gun slinger with the robot arm. I don't really like him. I don't think he's that interesting of a character or his skill says that good. But some people love him because he does good damage.

Doug Coleman

Recognizable overwatch character name, though.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, he does great damage. And people get really happy with kill shots and stuff. And he's voiced by Matthew Mercer, legendary voice actor.

Doug Coleman

That's right.

Brendan McCullough

So he's got a lot of attention. He's getting renamed. He's no longer Jesse McCree. He's something else.

Doug Coleman

Something else.

Brendan McCullough

Tumbleweed and Mcphumblefuck. I don't know. They haven't chosen what the new name is.

Doug Coleman

They didn't even what? Oh, no. This is a fucking what do I want to say? The Washington Redskins changing it to the Washington football team. And they're like, we're going to come up with a name in the future. But we're just in the meantime going to be known as the Washington football team.

Brendan McCullough

I like that better. Just keep it that they are for.

Doug Coleman

This is, I think year two now. They might just really yeah, everyone's like been waiting with bated breath being like, yeah, what team are you going to be? Especially when the NHL has like shit like the Kraken and cool shit. It's like pressure is on Washington. And they're like, we're the football team.

Brendan McCullough

I thought they put like Washington Guardians or something lame. I like, just the Washington football team. It's awful. That's great. Who's your favorite team? The football team the only one that matters.

Doug Coleman

I have a feeling they're not even going to change it at this point. We'll see.

Brendan McCullough

I hope they don't. That's hilarious. Yeah. So Blizzard is changing McCree's name and overwatch why? Because it turns out he was named after an employee at Blizzard. An employee who was sued for multiple harassment charges in this gigantic class action lawsuit against Blizzard. He was named specifically as a very big perpetrator of sexual harassment and assault within the company. So they're just like, hey, we're being sued.

Doug Coleman

Let's guy who's being believe that, though. They had somebody their real name after character, I guess I can they've done.

Brendan McCullough

That in World of Warcraft. I think they've done in Diablo two. It's usually like reward or little treat. For like a big employee at the company who's done a lot of work for them.

Doug Coleman

Yeah, like a perk. It's like looking at it.

Brendan McCullough

It's also done for employees at the company who've done a lot of sexual harassment for them. Like this.

Doug Coleman

God damn it.

Brendan McCullough

So he left the company, he quit the company before this lawsuit came out because he's a coward and knew he would get hit for it. Same with a few other high ranking or high profile employees of Blizzard who were like, oh, why did that developer leave all of a sudden? Because they knew they were going to get sued or trying to cut ties as soon as possible. Because they knew that they were one of the perpetrators of all the sexual harassment shit at Blizzard. So sucks for that. Maybe don't create such a horrifically, toxic, evil workplace environment and then reward the people for doing it by naming characters in your games. Second thing with Blizzard, fun fact, one of the employees was tweeting one of the employees in HR was tweeting about how they are shredding papers. A lot of HR reports and complaints within Blizzard were being shredded and destroyed ahead of this lawsuit because they realized that paying the fine for destroying evidence would be easier than having to deal with the evidence in court.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

So they are actively destroying evidence and people are acknowledging it, but because it's going to be destroyed by the time the case goes to court, they can't do anything about it. They'd rather pay out the few thousand dollars fine for destroying the evidence than actually having to deal with the ramifications of what could be on it.

Doug Coleman

That's ridiculous.

Brendan McCullough

Once again, a reminder of if your punishment is just money, if it's just paying money for a crime, you're only punishing the poor.

Doug Coleman

There's no real justice. Wow.

Brendan McCullough

So once again, Blizzard is garbage.

Doug Coleman

No, they've already sealed the deal on that on numerous accounts. But this is an additional nail in the coffin.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah, and some later news. Metroid dread trailer came out showing like actual gameplay and stuff. Looks great.

Doug Coleman

Hell yes.

Brendan McCullough

Excited for that. One of the weirder things I'll actually do on a good note. So I'll save another topic. One of the weird ones, not necessarily bad, not necessarily good, just weird is you're going to be able to watch the full martin Luther King I Have a Dream speech. Martin Luther King, Jr. I have a dream speech in Fortnite.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

Yeah, right?

Doug Coleman

Yeah, I was like, where is this going now? And then it ended there. And I'm like, so Fortnite is having.

Brendan McCullough

An event called the March Through Time. And there's going to just be like a museum within Fortnite where you can learn a lot about Martin Luther King, Jr. And the events of all the civil action he did.

Doug Coleman

You know what? That's pretty fucking cool because think about how many little kids and just people that play this game. There's a huge community in that game. So if there's people that would benefit from learning about this, why not? It's just fucking crazy to me that that's the world we live in, where it's like, I'm learning all this shit in Fortnite.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. And they did something else for they hosted a discussion on race in America back with George Floyd's death and stuff. So, like I said, it's not necessarily bad. No, it's just real weird.

Doug Coleman

Yeah. It's just Fortnite bugs me out. I already feel like I'm too old when I even just say it.

Brendan McCullough

I'm like, yeah, you got one of the Nintendo games. Like you were saying, a lot of young kids play Fortnite. This might be the first time some of them ever hear this speech about this, whether they just weren't taught it in school or haven't gotten to that part in school yet, or school is weird right now with COVID and stuffing. So who knows? So, yeah, this could be a place where some kids hear this for the first time, which could be great, and definitely educate them. It's just real fucking weird.

Doug Coleman

Agreed. Fair enough.

Brendan McCullough

So, yeah, not necessarily bad. Apparently they actually got footage of his famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial, which is weird because the movie Selma, which is supposed to be an Oscar nominated biopic about Martin Luther King Jr. Couldn't get the rights to that speech. Fortnite did. Yeah.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

So that's why I mean, Fortnite's got a lot of money.

Doug Coleman

Yeah, you're not wrong.

Brendan McCullough

But like I said, that's just weird.

Doug Coleman

That really is.

Brendan McCullough

And ending it on a good note.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

Savers the candy.

Doug Coleman

They're back.

Brendan McCullough

They're coming back, baby.

Doug Coleman

They were gone.

Brendan McCullough

Yeah. Fuck.

Doug Coleman


Brendan McCullough

They're just not making them for a while. But they come.

Doug Coleman

Glad they're coming back. No, those are delicious little candies.

Brendan McCullough

Has nothing to do with video games. But that's good news.

Doug Coleman

No, and I know you're trying to end on a good note. All right. No, I'm just kidding. But no, for real listener, we're going to be taking our first hiatus in forever. I don't actually ever actually seven years. Yeah, it's literally since 2014, since we started. But that's the thing. We have one more episode in store for you guys next week. I'm going to try to make it somewhat special. It's probably going to be shorter than a regular episode. This is probably our last real regular episode of season two. That's a funny joke. But no, that's the thing. If season three is to ever happen, hopefully we'll all come back with some reinvigorated passion for the podcast and have some more conversations and stuff. But I just want to give you guys a heads up. That's what the plan is for the time being. It's been a lot of fun. Thank you, everyone that's ever listened to this podcast. We'll do a little more of a big sentimental thing on this upcoming last episode. But yeah, we're ending season two on episode 420. That's what the whole plan was. It's like we've been working towards this.

Brendan McCullough

What do you mean the whole plan?

Doug Coleman

I'm just kidding. Since day one back in 2014, we agreed seven years ago, season two ends at 420. We'll bring season three at six. No, but anyway, for real, it's been such a blast discussing video games for as long as we have and all the different people we've just met and had cool interviews with a lot of people. It's been insane. So I just wanted to throw that out. Yeah, next week is going to be our last episode for quite a while, but hopefully we'll come back. But I want to hold your breath. No, I'm just kidding.

Brendan McCullough

Who knows?

Doug Coleman

We never know. But that's what we don't know. We have our own other projects that you guys can still get in touch with us. So that being said, we're going to do some plugs. I know. I have a podcast called Renovate. It's Harry Potter trading card game podcast, super niche. It's cool if you're not into that, but that's somewhere you could also find me. And I'll also be keeping the Twitch channel alive throughout the hiatus. So if you guys want to see what games I'm currently playing and streaming, that's going to be a thing. But Brian, let's tell our listeners about your other podcast and where our listeners can find you.

Brendan McCullough

You can find me on our web there yet, which is my anime podcast. We discuss three episodes of an anime or movie, give our opinions of it, recap it. It's a good little sampler platter for anime. If you're curious about a show but don't want to commit to watching it, or you want to hear a recap of it while you're at the gym or doing something, we watched some pretty good stuff sometimes. We watched Try Gun recently. That's one of my favorites. We watch a lot of fucking garbage. Sometimes we watch Future Diaries. That show suck to ask. And that is objective. That's not an opinion, that's a fact. And yeah, you can find me on Twitter at ABTS Brendan. I'm mostly on there minding my own fucking business, like you should be. Don't follow me. I don't do anything with that Twitter account.

Doug Coleman

Yeah, I don't shout my opinions into the void. I feel like the rest of the world shouldn't either, but it's fine. No, I'm just kidding. Also, listener, if you like our show, we're findable at all the places at Abt Silence, specifically Twitch TVT. Silence, like I said, is where I'm going to be streaming a variety of games, mainly Fall guys. But then I also have a record label. It's Missed Out Records.com. If you want to see what cassettes and vinyl are available for sale over there. I did just do another cassette for the band standards. They're one of my favorites. So definitely check that out. It's a really great release. Coming out late September, and then our music is done by a band called Kind of All Right head over to Kind Of All Right Bandcamp.com for more music from them, but that's going to do it for this week. Thanks so much for listening, guys. We'll be back for our final episode. See you guys. Hopefully. Boy.

In this episode of ABTS, Doug and Bren discuss the games they've been playing, how Arby's has their own D&D dice, Blizzard continues to make mistakes, plus they announce the show's first ever hiatus. Thanks so much for listening for all these years. <3

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